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Monday 9 September 2024

See Ya Again!

My niece went to Prague with two friends for her birthday this year and it seemed an opportunity to use "See Ya" from Mo’s Digital Pencil again.  I made a card using this image last year for a special friend  who accompanied us to Prague. You can see it on my blog here.  Mo drew a curly haired girl, and also a boy version of this fun image with the characters holding up a driving license and set of car keys but I asked and received permission from Mo to slightly alter her image and replaced the items in the girls hands with a little miniature British Passport.  

I included the same artsy rendition of Prague's famous Astronomical Clock tower in the background of my image as I did last time in addition to adding plenty of stencilled cogs and other shapes from a variety of stencils.  I used some bold colours for one of the challenges I want to enter. 

If you would like to showcase your own creations using Mo Manning's stunning images, you can join Mo's Fans' Facebook page HERE If you need inspiration on using her images you can check out the Dream Team Blog HERE I should also tell you that Mo has a "Patreon" Page HERE. There are three levels of Patron to choose from with a minimum of just $2.50 per month (plus tax where applicable) and each month Mo offers treats to her patrons like coupons to spend in her store and free images.  

I am entering my card into the following challenges:
AAA Birthday #65 Background Focus
CD Sunday Plus - #141 Always Anything Digital Goes
Colorful Options - Sept - Be Bold
Creative Inspirations - Sept - Always Anything Goes
Dragonfly Dreams - Sept - Happy Birthday (in memory of lovely Traci)
Krafty Chicks #732 - Stamps
Polkadoodles #36 - Always Anything Goes

Stencil Fun Challenge - Sept - Anything Stencilled, optional Fall Frenzy 



Jane Savage said...

Love the background on this wonderful card!
Thank you for joining us at Creative Inspirations! Jane (DT) Paper, Pencils & Pretty Things xxx

The Crafty Den said...

What an awesome card Lesley. I love how you changed the image and your colouring is fantastic. I really like the mixed media feel to your background. Thank you for sharing with us at Krafty Chicks challenge and apologies for my late comment. Hugs, Denise x

Carol said...

A super card and a clever idea for the alteration.
Carol xx
CD Sunday Plus DT

Anonymous said...

A great card and I love the way you have built up the background. Thank you for sharing with us.
Jocelyn x
CD Sunday Plus DT

Pamela said...

I love your background and the card is perfect for your travelling friend.
CD Sunday Plus DT.

Jane said...

Your background is awesome. Love the way you've mixed stencils and colours. Thanks for playing at AAA Birthday, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Stay safe and keep crafting!

Seafield Jo said...

What a great creation, very cleverly done. I'm sure your friend will be thrilled to receive it.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Jo x
CD Sunday Plus DT

Carrianne said...

Such a fun card. Great how you altered it with the British passport. Thanks for sharing with us at Colorful Options.