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Saturday, 23 October 2010

Vacation Catch-up with Sweet Stampin

Well hello peeps!  I have recently returned from a very long vacation in Florida and I can tell you that The Sunshine State certainly lived up to its name!   Three weeks and four days of absolutely glorious weather and so much relaxation that coming back to England has come as a bit of a wake up call.  Well, it would be a wake-up call if I could tell what time of day it is.  My body clock is definitely still on Florida time!
Unfortunately, between a trip to Hogsmeade and Hogworts at Universal's Islands of Adventure in Orlando and watching dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico from Siesta Key, I didn't get very much opportunity to post any comments on your blogs but I hope to catch up gradually over the next few weeks and I apologise for my absence.
I did manage to schedule my two recent posts before I went away and I had thought I was ready for this week's challenge at

where we want you to create anything but a card but I was wrong!   One of the key criteria at Sweet Stampin is that you must use a stamped image (rubba or digi) somewhere on your project and I forgot!!!  Of course I can't actually enter as a contestent so it doesn't matter too much for me and I did spend ages making my project but if you want to enter, and we hope you will, please don't forget to use a stamped image.

When I was growing up, my family used to play a card game called Rummoli (it's kind of like Newmarket but with more pay cards and a poker element).  We always used a big cardboard board that my Mum drew out.  We have continued to play very occasionally and I decided I wanted a more heavy duty board so I commissioned a carpenter to make my board from MDF to my specification.  I sprayed it gold and used SU papers to decorate each section.  I selected the appropriate playing cards from a deck of small cards obtained from a Christmas Cracker and cut out my letters using my Cricut.  The whole board was then repeatedly glazed to protect the papers from wear and tear.
The board is fifty cms in diameter and is an inch thick with cut outs to place the money bets.  When we were kids we used poker chips but as we got older we moved to real pennies.  You can lose 200 of them in a bad night!!!


Faye said...

Oh Fluffer, nice to have you back, jet lagged or not! This is a lovely, substantial board and decorated beautifully. A stamped image just wouldn't work on this wonderful project! ;)

Lindsey said...

Welcome home!
This is a fantastic project Leslie, though I must admit to never having heard of the game before!
Glad you enjoyed your holiday. I would love to take the kids to day!
Linds x

Joey said...

Hiya Sweetie

glad you had a wonderful time away, this is a wonderful piece and will hold so many memories


Jules said...

Hi Lesley

Welcome home and welcome back to blogland. I guessed you must have been away.

What a lovely long break. I am trying hard not to think about all that lovely sunshine and warmth LOL!!

Great project here. Must have taken a lifetime.

Not a game I have heard of .. .. but did used to place Newmarket as a child with the grown ups for 1p stakes. We knew how to live dangerously in our house!!

Have a lovely weekend.

Love Jules xx

Anonymous said...

WOW!! What a very clever project!! I just LOVE this!! Our family loves playing games, but I've not heard of this!! Sounds fun! :) TFS!

Val said...

So pleased you have a lovely holiday - how fab to have such a long break.

This is just amazing - never heard of the game though!


dolcreations said...

So happy you had such a wonderful time in the sunshine state!!! I would love to live there!
Your card table is awesome Lesley!

Vicky said...

Hi Lesley glad you had a fabby hol it sounds wonderful....oooh lucky you hun. I love this I think its amazing maybe it doesn't have a stamped image on but its still awesome hunni.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xx

Unknown said...

So when are we all comming round for a game lol???? The board is much detail!!

Sounds like you had a fabby holiday... xx

CraftyC said...

Wow Lesley, this is gorgeous. Not seen anything like it before. Am so looking forward to working with you at Sweet Stampin,. Glad you had a lovely holiday & thanks for stopping by my blog!

Julie said...

Hi Lesley!!

This is awesome!! Loving the papers and the lettering - that looks stunning!! Don't know this game- would say you teach me on our next play day but then that would mean less crafting!! Hmmmmm! Hugs, Juliexx